When in doubt..
Monday 16th March 2020
..do nowt. That’s what my Yorkshire ancestors said. As a transplant from God’s own acres – ( Dear God, why is Yorkshire always so f**king cold and rainy all the time ? ) – I have been trying, for many years to resist and put straight the Southern Jessies who run the markets.
Thus, my favourite Cockernie trader done me a good ‘un in the last financial crisis. Tony said, ‘Never mind what’s going on – no good company becomes a bad one overnight.’
Well, I think that wisdom is now a bit old titfer.. when you see the big service industry giants crumble as a result of country shutdown, those sort of market aphorisms look a bit whiskery, if not useless.
Thus the Yorkshire ‘do nowt’..and my other Suvner chum done me this:
Most money is lost by those who sell at the bottom. Where might that be ? Who knows…
So..get onto Kindle and self isolate..and buy a book.
Isolate from the day to day noise..have a nice time.
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